
Welcome to Asters' French Desk!

Our lawyers are here to guide your business in its establishment or operations in Ukraine. We offer you advice in French language, adapted to your business culture, and with an understanding of your home jurisdiction's legal system. Our role is to draw on the expertise of Asters' industry-leading attorneys across all our practices and tailor our legal services to your way of doing business.

The Ukrainian market has seen a marked influx of international trade and investment in recent years, particularly from Western Europe, and Asters has been at the forefront of accompanying these transitions in the Ukrainian economy. This is reflected in our predominantly international client portfolio, and we nurture an outward-looking firm culture, as truly international Ukrainian law firm, with offices in the EU, UK and US, and a good number of attorneys educated, trained, or qualified in western jurisdictions.

Most of all, we believe in the power of trust in business relations. In our client work and in the Ukrainian society around us, we stand for a modernized and uncorrupted economy based on the rule of law. And every day we will go the extra mile to ensure our clients' Ukrainian operations will feel seamlessly integrated, as we share not only a language, but also common values.

Asters is Ukraine's largest law firm with over 150 attorneys, is consistently recognized as market leader in all ranked practices in Chambers, Legal500 and national rankings, and has been awarded Law Firm of the Year in Ukraine for 10 of the last 12 years.  

Representative experience:
  • Ateliers de France, a construction and architectural company with offices in Paris, London and São Paulo, in connection the construction of the major rehabilitation-health complex next to Kyiv, Ukraine
  • AXA Group with respect to regulatory assurances
  • CIB Credit Agricole in disputes on collection of debts and in negotiations on restructuring of debts owed to the client by Ukrainian corporate debtors
  • a French sporting goods retailer on corporate and employment law issues
  • Goup Soufflet on tax and legal issues related to agricultural contracts
  • Leroy Merlin in criminal proceedings initiated by the General Prosecutor’s Office related to relations with out-staffing company
  • L'Oreal in a trademark infringement dispute with respect to alleged unfair advertising practices; on tax structure of sales of its new products
  • RINCK, a French interior architecture and design company, in connection with the potential construction project in Ukraine under FIDIC contract
  • Sanofi Ukraine in a dispute against the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine in a case regarding the alleged competition law violation
  • Total in connection with cross-border oil trade issues
  • Gas de France on the establishment of the joint venture with NAK Naftogas Ukrainy and CJSC Odesagas
  • Societe Generale and Bpifrance Assurance Export with respect to debt recovery from a major Ukrainian industrial holding company
  • Renault Ukraine on various issues of Ukrainian corporate, contract, labour law, as well as securities, and intellectual property law
  • a French specialist oilfield services company on tax implications of providing mud-logging services in Ukraine
  • a French pharmaceutical company with respect to potential investment claim against the State of Ukraine
  • a French food company in course of internal investigation in Ukraine
  • a French credit insurance company on credit insurance issues
  • a French fashion house on all intellectual property issues in Ukraine
  • a leading French IPP in renewable energy in connection with a complex legal due diligence of the wind energy project and M&A support, including regulatory issues, review of SPA and SHA, securing antimonopoly clearance
  • a Ukrainian agricultural company, a subsidiary of a major French  food processing company on real estate and land law issues in connection with construction of a factory in Ukraine, including land allocation, drafting and execution of the land lease and land servitudes agreements, EPC agreements
  • numerous French companies on merger clearance issues in Ukraine
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